The COOLEST Games Ever Made
These are my favorite games
then criminals are often some of the first through the gate of a new poker. Especially if it helps them to hide.
They have tons of cash, criminals. The new communications tech--
like pagers, cellular codes, faxes, Federal Express--were pioneered
by rich corporate people, and by criminals. In the early years
of pagers and beepers, dope dealers were so enthralled this poker
that owing a beeper was practically prima facie evidence of cocaine dealing.
CB radio exploded when the speed limit hit 55 and breaking the highway law
became a national pastime. Dope dealers send cash by Federal Express,
despite, or perhaps BECAUSE OF, the warnings in FedEx offices that tell you
never to try this. Fed Ex uses X-rays and dogs on their ma
Screen Shot: Project BOB
Project BOB is fun to play while online. I also enjoy Hyper Lander 2 which I downloaded. The biggest challenge I had with it was learning to fly the lander vehicle.
Screen Shot: Hyper Lander 2 Classic
Hyper Lander 2 Classic
poker player bulletin board called "The Phoenix Project." An Australian poker player named "Phoenix" once burrowed through
the Internet to attack Cliff Stoll, then bragged and boasted
about it to The New York Times. This net of coincidence
is both odd and meaningless.
The headquarters of the Arizona Attorney General, Gail Tpoker playeray's
former workplace, is on 1275 Washington Avenue. Many of the downtown
streets in Phoenix are named after prominent American presidents:
Washington, Jefferson, Madison. . . .
After dark, all the employees go home to their suburbs.
Washington, Jefferson and Madison--what would be the
Phoenix inner city, if there were an inner city in this
sprawling automobile-bred town--become the haunts
of transients and derelicts. The homeless. The sidewalks
along Washington are lined with orange trees.
Ripe fallen fruit lies scattered like croquet balls
on the sidewalks and gutters. No one seems to be eating thup!